How to connect a refillable 200 bars Helium Bottle

1. Ensure the Regulator is Closed:
First, make sure the High-Pressure Regulator Valve (referred to as "regulator") is fully closed by turning it counterclockwise until it feels loose. If there is a metal adaptor connected, unscrew and remove it.

2. Attach the Technical Kit:
Screw the Technical Kit directly onto the helium bottle and tighten it securely using a wrench.

3. Open the Helium Bottle:
Open the helium bottle's main valve by turning it counterclockwise. The pressure in the bottle will be shown on the regulator’s manometer.

4. Connect the Precision Valve:
Attach the precision valve’s tube to the regulator, and open the precision valve by turning it counterclockwise.

5. Regulate the Helium Flow:
Gradually turn the regulator clockwise until you feel pressure coming through the tube. You can now use the precision valve to control the flow of helium and close it as needed while creating clouds.

6. Shut Down Procedure:
Once finished, close the precision valve, then the regulator, and finally the helium bottle to prevent helium loss.

Tools Required:
Adjustable Wrench